Pinterest: Use Social Media Optimization in Livermore to Lead Visitors to Your Site

Pinterest: Use Social Media Optimization in Livermore to Lead Visitors to Your Site

Businesses are beginning to take notice of using social media optimization in Livermore. One of the more recent social media platforms getting their attention is Pinterest. Livermore and other Bay Area businesses that learn how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to their blog or website will be ahead of their competitors. Pinterest is used by millions of people each day who engage with the site and quickly share what they find online.

Before you can send traffic to your site, you must open a Pinterest account. Registration will include choosing boards and users to follow. You will then begin creating your first “board” which is a category used to organize your “pins,” individually shared items on Pinterest.  You can pin anything you find on the internet and it will be saved as a photo linked to the original content; it also gives you the option to add comments. Name the board using either a generic, broad topic or with something more specific. It is also important to place your board in a premade categories offered by Pinterest. Once placed in these categories, your board will instantly be viewable to thousands of users.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest includes a link to each website as part of the pin. When a user clicks your pin, it takes them to the original site which creates a valuable “backlink” to your site. When you create new content, be sure to pin it to your own account with a catchy title or photo that will encourage others to “repin” it or click through to learn more. Be sure to include a call to action where you ask the user to click to learn more.

Pinterest does not place many limits on what users pin but some items will get more attention than others. Some pins that regularly fare well on Pinterest are tricks or tips on how to do something, inspirational thoughts or sayings, infographics and tutorials are very well received. Many people like infographics because the thumbnail added to Pinterest does not allow the user to see the entire image. The user is compelled to click through in order to get the full view. This is one content model that will often be pinned over and over that drives traffic to your site.

To encourage users to pin your content, include a “Pin It” button near the content. Add it with the other social networking buttons you use such as Facebook or Twitter. These buttons make it easier for users to pin, like or tweet about something while they are on your site. Even businesses that use social media optimization in Livermore have few followers it can still be worth your while to use Pinterest. Each pin can spread exponentially when one follower pins an item and they share it with their followers, and on.

With 4 million users each day, it makes sense to begin using Pinterest as part of your overall internet marketing plan.